Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Butterfly Circus

This short film is about Nick Vujicic, a motivational man that has no arms and legs, playing a character that represented himself. The story is about a journey of acceptance and transformation. Between the title and the story there is an analogy with the journey of the butterfly, that is born as a caterpillar and after a long process it goes out to the world and shows how magnificent is.

Will (Nick) is a "forgotten man of God" that has to live and work as a main show in a circus because of his lack of legs and arms. In this place disabled people are exhibited like some "mistakes of nature".

But them another man finds Will and he enters "The Butterfly Circus" and realizes that this circus is different, because the also strange people of there made their differences a virtue not a morbid thing. In there are different stories behind the people that are part of the circus, such as discrimination, pain and loneliness. 

In this journey Will has to stop seeing himself as a circus attraction and accept his condition and appearance. So then he will see that he can be a man to admire and motivate others to overcome.

Few times we will see someone that plays its own story, and this film evidence the bravery Nick had, to show his pain. He had suffered of bullying and discrimination, even when he was younger he almost kills himself, but he had got over it.

So far Nick has done everything he wants, and even has a wife and a son! 

I think this short film is very emotional and I like the era that is shown and how the story of Nick is demonstrated so clearly. So many feelings are in this film that I really enjoyed, whether was happiness, sadness, anger or frustration.

Tell me if this story motivates you!


  1. I'm completely in love with this film!!!!!!!!!!
    Is really good watch a man who is able to overcome the "problems" that surround him. He can move on in his life with the help that his friends gave him.
    It's a beautiful film becase we realise that there people with disability to do normal things but they trying anyway.

    Love you choice!!!


  2. The first time that I watched this video, it make me cry jajajaja, but now, I fully understand the message that the whole movie give to us. Such a beautiful video :)
