Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Women in dress

I love the dresses of the women in the royalty, because I think that the way the corse was tightened to the waist it made the body look so beautiful and femenine, and also I feel pain just seeing how tight it was, but I would use that dresses just to look like a hourglass.

 The fabrics of the clothes were so beautiful, like silk, velvet and brocade.

Also women had rules of the colours and fabrics that they could use, this was called Sumptuary laws. Elizabeth I continued using this laws after her father and sister.

Rich women had to use certain colours depending on their title. Elizabeth put in her proclamation for the Statues of Apparel Sumptuary Laws for women:

None shall wear

Any cloth of gold, tissue, nor fur of sables: except duchesses, marquises, and countesses in their gowns, kirtles, partlets, and sleeves; cloth of gold, silver, tinseled satin, silk, or cloth mixed or embroidered with gold or silver or pearl, saving silk mixed with gold or silver in linings of cowls, partlets, and sleeves:
except all degrees above viscountesses, and viscountesses, baronesses, and other personages of like degrees in their kirtles and sleeves.

You could see the rest of it in here Elizabeth's Laws

I think this laws were to know the rank and privilege of all people. Also I think this was so racist, but we have to realize that those days were a little different from now.

If you want, leave a comment to let me know what you think! 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Elizabeth first has affairs too

Elizabeth I, the virgin Queen, one of the most powerful women in England; even she has affairs with some men. Unfortunately all of her suitors has affairs and one of them plot against her throne.

Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, was her close friend of the queen in her first years of reign, he was condemned to death for treason, because his family try to put on the throne to Jane Gray, but he has been forgiven. After that Dudley was a lovely Elizabeth’s friend until his death.

Before Dudley death he include into the England’s parliament to Robert Devereux who will be Elizabeth’s suitor, She loved to be adored by a 20’s man, but his youth and hunger of power brought him to plot against Elizabeth’s throne and he will die beheaded in the tower of London.

Walter Raleigh was an English aristocrat, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy, and explorer. He was so close to the queen until his affair, and after secret marriage, with Elizabeth Throckmorton, one of the queen’s ladies-in-waiting. For this secret marriage he and his wife has been sent to death. The queen leave them go away together, but before that she send him to the war against Spain.

The look of “The Virgin Queen” has been affirmed, because she has never married with anyone and her integrity as a virgin can’t be refused. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Henry and his 6 sorry Wives

Dear classmates, I just wanted to share this video with you, which I think that it has been useful for me to remember fact about The tudors family, in this case the wives of Henry, and learn it better, it also gave me accessto a lot of videos to watch, very funny and interesting, because I'm really into history of UK, and with the videos of "Horrible stories" in youtube, you will find a lot of Tudors times to know about. Here is a summary of his wives a a song to remember them all. You have to think that this kind of resources will be appeling to you students in the future, an a song in a great way to never forget something. 


Catherine of Aragon
m. 1509 - 1533

Anne Boleyn
m. 1533 - 1536

Jane Seymour
m. 1536 - 1537

Anne of Cleves
m. 1540 Jan. - July

Kathryn Howard
m. 1540 - 1542

Katherine Parr
m. 1543 - 1547

  • Catherine of Aragon: The first wife of Henry VIII'. She was a Spanish princess who was married to Henry for 18 years before he began the divorce in his desperation to re-marry with Anne Boleyn and produce a male heir.
  • Anne Boleyn: The second wife of Henry VIII. She was married to the King for only three years, she was pregnant with another princess, Elizabeth.
  • Jane Seymour: She was the third of Henry VIII's six wives and the only wife to provide the King with the much longed for son and male heir, Prince Edward VI, but he died soon afterwards.
  • Anne of Cleves: Was the fourth of Henry VIII's six wives. He first saw Anne of Cleves in a painting but then Henry found Anne unattractive and began searching for another one, in this case, one of her maids of honour, Catherine Howard.
  • Catherine Howard: Henry VIII's fifth wife. But Catherine's love affairs get the king furious. She was arrested and  beheaded in February 1542, with only 21 years old. 
  • Kateryn Parr:  She was the last of Henry VIII's six wives. Intelligent and devout, Kateryn loved Thomas Seymour but Henry's proposal could not be refused. They got married, that the king died 4 years later and she was free to marry Seymour but she died 15 months later, giving birth to her dauther.

We were also talking about Elizabeth reign in class, and in youtube you can find a lot about her too. For example this video explains very well the continuity of the Tudor era, with the kings and queens which where part of its history after king Henry, so it could help to have a better image of the order of the rulers, wich came first, which came after and so on.

I hope you find it out interesting to know more about, Because for me is has been fundamental to know more about the influence and partcipation of women in different aspects of the history of countries and nations. I always found myself interested in topics which envolved women so I chose this to show you a bit more about it.

Any related or comments are accepted! And if you find more videos about them, please post them in the comments aswell.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The last Monday, in my English class, we discussed about several quotes related with traveling and ways to see the life, but I really liked this one.
We analized it and we concluded that it refers to people tend to think that they need vacations in a place as far as possible to have some fun and relax, but actually, we only need take a break of the daily rutine and there are many ways to do it, you can share a cup of tea and a good conversation with a friend or you can enjoy playing a football match with your group of friends.
 The point is that the good moments are in the little things of your life, you just have to value them.

Patricia Dittmar González

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Gazette Saraba

When the teacher talk about the points of view on culture and she show us the conflict view, i think in the context of a song that i read of my favorite group The gazette. Although the song is not in english, but it makes me think in the attack on Japan with the atomic bomb.

The GazettE tend to judge the society and this topic is very interesting to judge because the government want to fight with other countrys even if the most part of the people don't want to. Althouhg the countrys has been quiet or neutral. They need only to expand it frontiers.The japaneses tend to think that "die for the county is die with honor", but not all the japaneses think in the same way. When the countrys was in war all in the tv, radio, internet, magazines is war and all the victims of this.

Japan suffer a lot, the world suffer a lot, Because of that The GazettE call to the people to support the peace and sing all this "Anti war song"

¿will you raise your voice with us?