Monday, April 28, 2014

Henry and his 6 sorry Wives

Dear classmates, I just wanted to share this video with you, which I think that it has been useful for me to remember fact about The tudors family, in this case the wives of Henry, and learn it better, it also gave me accessto a lot of videos to watch, very funny and interesting, because I'm really into history of UK, and with the videos of "Horrible stories" in youtube, you will find a lot of Tudors times to know about. Here is a summary of his wives a a song to remember them all. You have to think that this kind of resources will be appeling to you students in the future, an a song in a great way to never forget something. 


Catherine of Aragon
m. 1509 - 1533

Anne Boleyn
m. 1533 - 1536

Jane Seymour
m. 1536 - 1537

Anne of Cleves
m. 1540 Jan. - July

Kathryn Howard
m. 1540 - 1542

Katherine Parr
m. 1543 - 1547

  • Catherine of Aragon: The first wife of Henry VIII'. She was a Spanish princess who was married to Henry for 18 years before he began the divorce in his desperation to re-marry with Anne Boleyn and produce a male heir.
  • Anne Boleyn: The second wife of Henry VIII. She was married to the King for only three years, she was pregnant with another princess, Elizabeth.
  • Jane Seymour: She was the third of Henry VIII's six wives and the only wife to provide the King with the much longed for son and male heir, Prince Edward VI, but he died soon afterwards.
  • Anne of Cleves: Was the fourth of Henry VIII's six wives. He first saw Anne of Cleves in a painting but then Henry found Anne unattractive and began searching for another one, in this case, one of her maids of honour, Catherine Howard.
  • Catherine Howard: Henry VIII's fifth wife. But Catherine's love affairs get the king furious. She was arrested and  beheaded in February 1542, with only 21 years old. 
  • Kateryn Parr:  She was the last of Henry VIII's six wives. Intelligent and devout, Kateryn loved Thomas Seymour but Henry's proposal could not be refused. They got married, that the king died 4 years later and she was free to marry Seymour but she died 15 months later, giving birth to her dauther.

We were also talking about Elizabeth reign in class, and in youtube you can find a lot about her too. For example this video explains very well the continuity of the Tudor era, with the kings and queens which where part of its history after king Henry, so it could help to have a better image of the order of the rulers, wich came first, which came after and so on.

I hope you find it out interesting to know more about, Because for me is has been fundamental to know more about the influence and partcipation of women in different aspects of the history of countries and nations. I always found myself interested in topics which envolved women so I chose this to show you a bit more about it.

Any related or comments are accepted! And if you find more videos about them, please post them in the comments aswell.



  1. I really loved the two videos!! They were really funny, also i think they are a good way to understand Henry VIII's history, because just read it becomes boring and this was very entertaining!
    And showing how brutal was men with women tells us that in this days is the same thing, men still kill their partners because they see or talk to other men, the difference is that now heads are not cut in public.
    Good job chosing the videos!

  2. Thank you! If you look for the "related videos" that youtube suggests when you play this videos, you will find more "Horrible stories" videos that explains a several historical events of UK which we need to know about :) I'm glad you liked it! Thank you! :D
