Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Elizabeth first has affairs too

Elizabeth I, the virgin Queen, one of the most powerful women in England; even she has affairs with some men. Unfortunately all of her suitors has affairs and one of them plot against her throne.

Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, was her close friend of the queen in her first years of reign, he was condemned to death for treason, because his family try to put on the throne to Jane Gray, but he has been forgiven. After that Dudley was a lovely Elizabeth’s friend until his death.

Before Dudley death he include into the England’s parliament to Robert Devereux who will be Elizabeth’s suitor, She loved to be adored by a 20’s man, but his youth and hunger of power brought him to plot against Elizabeth’s throne and he will die beheaded in the tower of London.

Walter Raleigh was an English aristocrat, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy, and explorer. He was so close to the queen until his affair, and after secret marriage, with Elizabeth Throckmorton, one of the queen’s ladies-in-waiting. For this secret marriage he and his wife has been sent to death. The queen leave them go away together, but before that she send him to the war against Spain.

The look of “The Virgin Queen” has been affirmed, because she has never married with anyone and her integrity as a virgin can’t be refused. 

1 comment:

  1. HI Jazmina, As well as the theories of her semeveral lovers, there are also other very interesting theories and urban leyends exctracted from the people of the villages where this historical events happend, from people who says to be witnesses of them. We never know if anyone of those would have been true, but I saw a few days ago, a National Geographic Documental about Elizabeth secrets, and I get to know all of this, that goes deeper into the things you are mencionating, maybe you want to watch it too. For example says that Walter Raleigh was before married with another woman, and then suspiciously died, talks about another theory that says that she could even been a MAN, because she would be replaced after her death, so king didn´t find out, and a supposed prohibited love with her step-father Thomas Seymour (husband of her step mother Anne who was in charge of her care) and a lot of other details really fascinating!


    I hope you watch it, so we could comment :)
    Bets regards!
