Wednesday, May 28, 2014

In the New York's civil war, immigrants, blacks and natives were all killed

When  the teacher talk about the civil war in  the Unites States, i remember a film that I saw one month ago, this movie is "Gangs of New York".

The film was based  in the book "The gangs of New York" (1928) but only in few aspects of the book. The movie's cast are composed by Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Daniel Day-lewis, Liam Neeson, etc. The movie has been situated in New York in the XIX century when the civil war began.

 The native people annoy, hit and kill Irish and black people because they are "disturbing and stealing the job to the natives".In this context DiCaprio, an Irish immigrant, fight against the natives for his rights.

At the beginning of the movie Liam Neeson, an Irish priest who fight with his immigrant army against Daniel Day-Lewis, the butcher and his army. In this occasion the natives win with the Priest's dead, his son is carried to the reformatory and stay there for many years.




 When the Priest's son is released, the butcher don't recognized him and, with the name Amsterdam,he becomes to stay with him to learn all about his tricks. He is so Smart and help the butcher to make money in different ways

Like all Hollywood's movies Amsterdam fall in loved to the best female stealer of Five Pints Jeanne Everdeane. When he discovered that she is the favourite of the butcher, he refused her and stay away from her. But again "the love is Stronger"  and he start to fight first secretly and later opened against the butcher.

But this war isn't in the parameter of William M. Tweed. So when Amsterdam's army and butcher's army are face to face, the USA army  interrupt the conflict and kill all the people.

                                        Here is the link for the movie!!!
                                       Gangs of new york with subtitles


The butcher Bill


Why people resort to the war to solve their problems?, Do you think that this is correct?


  1. I did not notice that Liam Neeson was in this one! This is a very Hollywood-style recreation of real facts, but it's still interesting. When I watched this movie I was 9 or 10, so I did not know completely the plot. The best aspects of the movie are the integration of foreigners and the nice performances of the characters. Actually, I think that everybody knows that war is not the solution, but, as I said in class quoting Karl Marx, "conflicts are engines for mankind and history". Peace does not solve it at all. Very interesting entry!

  2. First of all, I want to mention that I also saw this movie when I was younger, and this post made me watch it again, and it's amazing the different perspective that you get when you're more mature and reflective about historical facts. About wat you ask us about war as a solutions to conflicts, I think that is obvious that war and violence does nothing more than create more destruction and violence, even when it has a wanted conclusion, it's only for one part of the clash, even when you got that what you wanted to get with war, you have to thing, you won, but what have you lost? what cost have you paid? here is a video that could be useful to make us think about this and reflect how it has affected our world, our home.

    Regards! :)
