Monday, May 26, 2014


In a class with Mr. Villa, we were talking about Disney movies, and how different they are from the real stories which Hans Christian Andersen made, like "the little mermaid"; The Grimm's brothers one, "The little red riding hood"; or the shocking change that was made to the Carlo Collodi one, "Pinocchio". And I'm going to talk about this last in particular.

In the movie, Geppeto wished that his last creation became alive, and his wish was granted and the puppet that he made was alive! And so that is how Pinocchio was born.
But the fairy that conceded the wish to Geppeto, made a warning to the new child, in which he had to be honest, obedient and sincere, and Jiminy Cricket jump into scene to help Pinocchio to achieve this (he was like his conscience).

But Pinocchio was involved in so many bad scenes in which he lied and disobey, that because of this his nose was becoming long and long everytime he told a lie or something like that. 

On another hand, in the real story of Carlo Collodi, while Geppeto was making Pinocchio, this last one was laughing and moving hands a feet, and then he run away from home, and told the police that Geppeto raped him and took him to jail. And Jiminy Cricket said to him that what he did was bad, and as all little children, he did not like to be told to do things, so he got mad and throw a hammer to the cricket and Pinocchio killed him.

But somehow the cricket live again and told Pinocchio not to go to some mountains but the puppet did it anyway and he met with some killers. And he run, and run, however, the killers grabbed him and hung him in a tree branch. Pinocchio continued doing bad things that he regret.
You can read the whole story here Pinocchio (it is not long).

I really liked the Collodi tale, because it has more bizarre and morbid things. And I think that Disney really changed the story, but I enjoyed it anyways. Futhermore, I think that the movie "Pinocchio", an Italian version is much more similar to the Carlo's one. Here is the trailer

Would you like a puppet, a doll, or any toy to become alive?


  1. Disney movies always change the real story to make something more “beautiful”. But sometimes beauty doesn’t teach, I mean, on Disney are movies like Brave, Mulan or Frozen, than make us learn that the figure of man isn’t the most important thing because women can fend for themselves. This is shown mainly in the princess stories, because the producers try to show the woman figure like someone defenseless. In the case of Pinocchio, I terrify because the story is really bizarre compared with the version that I knew. For this reason I prefer that any toy of mine still without life hahahahaha.
    Very interesting post! You can also read about the true story of Snow White or Sleeping Beauty, those stories are very contractive with the Disney version.

  2. I like your entry because the real history of many of the character of Disney has a background like a "creepypasta" but most of the time this kind of things don't let you any lesson and the Disney's movies stand out for have a beauty but moral lesson.
    if you like to read about the true history of any of the Disney's movies you can google it and you can find it, but be careful, because the history that Disney told us can be so cute and innocent, but the real one can not be cute, can not be necessary sane and can not be easy to read maybe, because has been written decades ago.

  3. I always wonder why do Disney use those creepy stories as inpiration? Why do not it create its own fantasy stories? They really need those awful backgrounds? Most of the ancient Disney movies include a sexual abuse (Sleeping beauty), mutilating (Cinderella) or a mental disorder (Alice in Wonderland), therefore, I think this must mean something else, it is not normal for someone who is trying to make movies for kids. Don't you think?

  4. Personally, I love Disney, and I think it's better for children to make the stories more innocent. In the case of the Grimm's brother's stories, they made their stories in a realistic way to teach the kids the reality of the world, but if I were a little kid I wouldn't like to learn it, or maybe I wouldn't be aware of that. It's cute to hear kids saying that they would like to be doctors, but if we tell them how hard is that, perhaps they will not have the urge to reach it and won't make their dreams come true, and that's what Disney tries to show in their movies: never stop dreaming. I love a quote of Walt Disney, which says: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Anyway, it's interesting to know the real stories of the Disney's movies, I love to ask my friends "do you know the real story about Cinderella?" and if they tell me that they don't.. I get ready to kill his childhood.
    About your question, I would like that my pig pencilcase become alive. For me, he already has a personality, his name is chanchito monroe :) I would like to see if he kills me for giving him that name hahaha
