Thursday, May 29, 2014

 When we studied this unit, one of the subjects that it called my attention was the racial segregation, therefore, last week, I decided to watch the movie "12 years a slave".
This movie is based on the book with the same name, which is Solomon Northup's autobiographical story, an African American man living in the 1950's.

Paul Giamatti appraises Chiwetel Ejiofor in scene with Lupita Nyong’o (l.) and Adepero Oduye.
 Solomon, the main character, was a free man, who worked as a violinist. He had two little children and his wife.

His tragedy started when two men offered him a job, they got him drunk and sold him as a slave. He tried to escape many times, he tried to make understand his "owners" that he was a free man and he saw terrible acts against others slaves.

Michael Fassbender and Chiwetel Ejiofor in 12 Years a SlaveIt is really shocking to see how a human being could use "the word of God" to justify his/ her horrible acts, such as whipping and violating, how a man can treat to another human as a possession, as a property. It's sadly see how a woman is separated from her children. I couldn't believe how someone can lose his/her cravings of freedom and get at the point of just try to escape in order to get a soap for to be clean. That person has lost her/ his desires to live and the life has to be a real torture to prefer the death before staying alive.

Despite all these terrible things, it is a outstanding and fascinating movie and you can feel the history because when you read a text about segregation or discrimination, you notice that it was a dark age in the history, but when you watch and listen the whiplashes in the back of a woman and you can see the wounds and the scars in her skin, it is when you realize how brutal it was.

I know that my words were hard, but this movie it is, and this moment in the history it was, too.
I hope that I have convinced you of to watch the movie and don't forget to write your comments below. Thanks for reading.


  1. Wow!! I really want to see this movie toooo!!!
    Very interesting post!!
    What I love the most about movies, is that you can recognize the context and learn a lot of a period of time, about things that occurred a long time ago and things that happen now. And how you can empathize with characters and be more aware of thing, or grateful for your life. Sometimes we complain about little things and we not see other`s problems.
    You obviously convinced me to watch the movie!
    Please read my post to and comment!

    1. Actually, I usually don't watch historical movies, it is not my favorite genre because most of these movies are about wars, but this one is about the injustices that a man lived just because of the colour of his skin. I mean, this movie goes further than the history, it has to do with the pain, the outrages and the strenght that a person need to have to face the injustices that life put in his/her way.
      I'm really excited that my post worked! In the bottom of my post, it is the link of the trailer of the movie and if you couldn't find the full movie on Internet, I have it on my laptop.

    2. If you like this one, you might like "The blutler" too. It is more of Martin Luther King's time, and it shows 2 ways of living the civil rights movements (:.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Although the movie is really realistic about the things that happened with black people, I didn't like it a lot because I feel that the movie went very slow about the topic, or maybe it's just not the kind of movies I like to watch. By the way it's encouraging to see that these things don't exist today, but we need to erradicate these discriminatory thoughts of some people, because maybe we could go back to those times we everybody kill each other. It's interesting that you mention the fact that a human can use "the word of god" to kill someone, because I believe that religion is very relative, maybe a catholic could kill a gay in the name of god, but that's another topic hahah. Good post :)

  4. You're right... Your words were hard, but they are true. We all know how black people lived in the past. They lived like animals and not like persons. I liked it a lot and I don't have too much to say. GREAT POST!!
